We now have a number of policies and procedures in place to outline how we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulations. In simple terms, the regulations relate to how we obtain, process and store personal data. Linked below are a number of key elements which you should be aware of.
Please ensure that you read over these as they relate both to your own handling of data as a staff member but also outline how the organisation ensures the data it holds on you (for employment purposes) is processed. Click here for further information.
All staff that deal with data are encouraged to read over the Data Protection Policy and pay particular attention to the advice for staff (for example, clear desk policy). At all times when gathering data, please ensure you make reference to our privacy policy page on the website and ask yourself appropriate questions around your reasons for gathering, processing and storing information. You will also find online references to how we process data on the online terms and conditions page here.
All the policies, including the overall mapping document which outlines the current scenarios in which we collect data, can be found in the GDPR folder in the GDPR folder in the shared area.
Staff should ensure they are familiar with all the policies and statements in place and follow through the respective data retention timelines referenced in the Data Protection Policy.
In specific reference to your employment as staff, please check out:
Recruitment Policy
Employee Data Protection Policy
If you are gathering data (from a survey for example), please ensure you include the following if you wish to gather any personal data (name, email address, student number and so on):
By submitting your details, please be aware that the Union will treat your data in accordance with its privacy policy available at https://stirling-dev.ukmsl.net/your-union/about-us/privacy-policy/
Whilst you may have been deluged with GDPR emails in the run up to the introduction of the legislation advising the need to opt-in to emails, the actual legislation which relates to electronic communication in particular is the Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR). GDPR relates to the gathering of data and legal basis for doing so, PECR relates to your use of the data for communication purposes. With that in mind, we've established our legal basis under GDPR for relevant groups. With PECR in mind, it is important that included in any email correspondence, an unsubscribe option is included for people and would encourage any clubs/socs or sports emails going out to be done through MSL as they now have an in-built unsubscirbe link for all email communication.
Further information on all aspects of GDPR and PECR can be found on the Information Commissioner's Office website here.
If you have any questions, queries or concerns relating to GDPR and how we currently gather, process and store data, please discuss with your Line Manager as soon as possible. There are significant fines which the ICO can impose should we not address issues appropriately and we also want to ensure we are clear and considered in all we do to deal with people's personal information.
*Reminder to all staff - please ensure you've read the following GDPR guidance*

The Union has outlined a number of policies and statements in relation to how we treat both student data and your own information as employees. Staff are particularly encouraged to read over the full details to ensure that we haven't missed any aspects of personal information processed and are familiar with processes and information on data retention. Click here for further information.
GDPR Training available for office based staff

The implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means the Union has a responsibility to ensure that all staff have an understanding and appreciation of the key aspects of the legislation. As a result, all staff have the opportunity to undergo training. Online training is available via the University here (if you can't access via the link, go to the University homepage, click my portal and Health and Safety Training (WorkRite)). Participation in this training is an important element of compliance with this new legislation.