Marketing Request form
If you require any artwork designed for website, social or print, please let the comms team know well in advance please. To submit a request, please complete our marketing request form and a member of the team will be in touch to take forward.
Submit request for Student survey
The University is trying to better co-ordinate student surveys moving forward. As such, for wider survey work we do (thinking the like SOS-UK, Parents survey and so on) we will need to submit plans well in advance. To take forward, please submit a request via the University website and also advise colleagues in the comms team of your plans for promotion.
Expenses forms
Please ensure that expenses forms (Expenses Form Download Link) are completed correctly & all necessary receipts are attached. If you authorise a form, the part of the form shown below needs to be completed before submitting to Finance for payment.
Once completed this should be sent to an authorised signatory to approve and then forwarded by the authorised signatory to finance for processing. We would ask both those submitting and those authorising to ensure both the claim form and accompanying reciepts are sent together in one email as we need to ensure for audting purposes that these are submitted as one email.
Incompete forms will be returned to authoriser before payment can be made. For any questions, please speak to the Finance Office.

Purchase orders
To enasure we assist with completing paperless purchases orders, please read the process - PO Process. For any questions, please speak to the Finance Office.
Flexible Working Policy
We have updated the Union's Flexible Working Policy. The policy supercedes any information outlined in the current staff Handbook. If anyone has any questions regarding the policy, please speak to your Line Manager in the first instance.
Flexible Working Policy
Flexible Working application form
Holiday request procedure
The procedure for requesting holidays will be as follows:
- Email your line manager with dates requested, and copy Wendy Forbes into the email. Please ensure that adequate notice is given, as email requests may not be picked up straight away.
- Wendy will check that the holiday request does not leave your department/area short staffed and will notify your line manager if it does.
- Your line manager will reply to your email, copying Wendy in, to confirm that the dates requested have been approved/rejected and I will then confirm your remaining holiday allowance.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact Wendy Forbes.