A General Election will take place in the UK on Thursday 4th July 2024. Make sure you've got all in place to vote and ensure the student voice is heard.

Key dates

image of students with University squirrel encouraging people to vote

We know you love to vote! Students make up 10% of the UK voting population so your vote matters in the upcoming General Election. Below we'll share some key information and additional resources so you can keep informed and be ready to vote to make sure the student voice is heard.

There are a number of key dates to be aware of ahead of the vote on 4th July:

Dissolution of Parliament: 30th May 
Voter registration deadline: 18th June, 11:59pm 
Deadline to apply for a postal vote : 19th June, 5pm
Deadline to apply for a voter authority certificate (Voter ID): 26th June 
Deadline to apply for a proxy vote: 26th June 
Election Day: 4th July 
New Parliament summoned to meet: 9th July 
State Opening of Parliament: 17th July 

Can I vote?

To be able to vote in the UK General election, you must: 


Do you have your ID?


Photographic identification is required to vote in-person in the upcoming election. If you currently don't have photo ID (note your student card would not be accepted), you will need to secure suitable ID in time.Further information, including what is considered suitable ID, can be found on the Electoral Commission website.

Why should I vote?


We've asked the local candidates in the Stirling & Strathallan constituency questions you'd asked to put to them - you can read these in our dedicated news story.

Your vote can make the difference. It's also important to be able to demonstrate the key issues that matter to students. The team at WONKHE have produced a grid that outlines each of the main parties’ policies on key student and higher education issues.

The National Union of Students (NUS) UK have launched the student manifesto for the General Election. You can read more about it on their website. Similarly, NUS Scotland have launched their manifesto. We know you may have more questions so please do get in touch at theunion@stir.ac.uk. You can also find out more information on the incredibly useful Democracy Classroom website.