Welcome to Stirling Students' Union Community Garden! Our garden is a place for all students, whether they have a well developed green thumb or are completely new to gardening. Come along to our sessions to get outside, meet some lovely people, and help us grow and develop our green oasis.

Our Community Garden


We are always looking for new volunteers to help out and share this community garden with. We hold weekly gardening sessions on Wednesdays from 2pm - 4pm and everyone is welcome to join, just turn up!

Our Community Garden consists of a large space of land with multiple growing beds, a greenhouse, a large polytunnel and wildlife spaces like our wee pond for all the critters to live comfortably! We also have an Orchard a 10 minute walk away from the main garden which provides lots of apples come Autumn!

If you have any questions then email Gabi Brame, Sustainability Development Coordinator at gabi.brame@stir.ac.uk and we’ll be able to provide you with more information.

Don't forget gardening isn't just about digging and weeding, it's about getting outside, keeping fit and most of all making friends! 

Important - There are a number of beehives nearby so anyone allergic needs to be aware of high numbers of bees in Spring and Summer.

Find the Community Garden Location below: