As well as elected student representatives, the Students' Union also employs a number of key staff who provide continuity and experience in operational management and administration of the Union. Meet the team!


Al Lawley-Powell

Chief Executive

As the Chief Executive I report to the Trustee Board and am responsible for the overall strategic and operational management of the organisation. Key areas of work are supporting and facilitating the roles of elected officers and staff to deliver their representational, political, educational and activity based agendas. Internally I ensure development and delivery of commercial activities, externally securing funding opportunities is also a priority.


Jeremy Harvey

Student Voice Manager

I oversee the management of the Union’s Student Voice activities, including the Student Advice Service, Democracy and Representation, and Sustainability.


Nick Manton

Communication & Activities Manager

I oversee management of the Union’s communications, events and activities as part of the senior management team.


Wendy Forbes

Union Secretary/HR Administrator

My role involves processing payroll and ensuring staff are paid correctly, and on time. I also look after the HR requirements of the student’s union. Another of my main roles include producing & submitting Agenda, Papers & Minutes for various Union meetings.


Sasha Young

Finance Manager

I am the Finance Manager and responsible for the finances of the Student Union, delivering monthly management accounts, the annual budget and regular forecasts.


Ines Coutinho
Student Representation Coordinator

Students’ Union lead regarding Democracy and Representation. In particular, I coordinate the Elections; democratic processes and policy; representation systems; campaign development and the RATE Awards.


Lisa McCormick

Content & Events Coordinator

I’m responsible for running the Union website, digital and social media communications, implementation of marketing campaigns and the lead on planning and promotion of regular Union events such as Welcome week and Elections.


Jordyn Austin

Activities & Volunteer Coordinator

My role is to help students make the most from their time at University. I support all the societies within the Union and help promote student participation in co-curricular activities. A key part of my job is encouraging and promoting volunteering opportunities to help students access new experiences, develop their skills, and realise their potential.


Callum Ball

Sport Development Coordinator

As the Sport Development Coordinator, I help to facilitate the delivery of sports fixtures, support club committees in their club development and help to resolve any issues or questions related to sport at Stirling.


Kenny Thompson

Advocacy Coordinator 

As the Advocacy Coordinator, I provide confidential advice and help to students facing issues like appeals, complaints, and fitness to practice hearings.


Gabi Brame

Sustainability Development Coordinator

As the Sustainability Development Coordinator, I am responsible for ensuring the Union follows and develops environmental best practice, engage students and staff with sustainability, and work with the University towards net zero.


Jane Allan

Finance Administrator

The Finance Office assists all areas of the Union in their operations. The team help Clubs with their budgets and monitor the income and expenditure of the Union.


Aileen Ferguson

Sports Union Administrator

My role is to assist and support the Sports Union President and the Sports Development Coordinator. I organise sport fixtures, transport and accomodation for all clubs as well as being the first point of contact for general enquires in the Union office.


Jenni Glen

Advocacy Caseworker

Working alongside the Advocacy Development Coordinator, my role is to offer confidential and impartial information, support and representation to students as part of the Union Advocacy team.


Karen McGregor

Union Shop Manager

As the Union Shop Manager, I manage the Student Union Shop; Online and On Campus. I source all branded merchandise and design all of the clothing as well as all other stock.