Come along and try something new or even develop your existing talents! Make the most of your time at uni, why not join our enjoyable competitive and social club? With plenty of social events lined up and two social sessions a week with other friendly students, you are bound to find everything you are looking for in our badminton club!
General Info
Social Sessions:
Monday: 8PM - 10PM
Tuesday: 5:30PM - 8PM
Thursday: 9AM-11AM
Sunday: 10AM - 12PM
Team Sessions:
Wednesday: 8:30AM - 10:30AM
Friday: 2PM - 4PM
Sunday: 6PM - 7:30PM
Please come along in suitable sports attire and bring your own racket if possible. If not, you are welcome to borrow a club racket. If you need any more information please contact us.
President: Ruaridh Leck (
Vice President: Jennifer Dickson (
Treasurer: Manasvi Bhoj (
Well-Being Officer: Sophie Bryson (
1s Team Captains: Jane Scott (
Blair Spence (
2s Team Captain: Eilidh McNish (
Social Secretaries: Adam Hamilton (
Benjamin Hanna (
Social Media: Charlotte Element (
Fundraiser: Tomás Silva (
University of Stirling Students' Union | University of Stirling Students' Union, The Robbins Centre, The University of Stirling, FK9 4LA | Registered Charity Number: SC023788