What is the award?
The SV (sexual violence) & GBV (gender-based violence) Awareness Award was created to ensure that every society has the resources needed to look after their members.
There are three tiers of the award, each with different eligibility requirements. The award asks committee members to complete GBV First Responder Training and the Consent Matters Module.
Every committee member that completes the training will be accredited for it, and each society shall receive a corresponding ribbon as they complete each tier of the award.
You must email your VP Communities to notify the Union that your society has completed the training.
How can my society participate in the training?
- You can complete the Consent Matters Module online through your Canvas in your own time.
- First Responder Training is offered throughout the academic year. Keep a look out for emails from your VP Communities regarding training dates. Once sign up forms are sent out, ensure you register your committee.
- Optional: You may want to encourage your members to also complete the Tackling Harassment Module.
Each time a member completes the Consent Matters Module, they should notify the Students' Union by filling out out the following form:
At least one committee member has undergone GBV First Responder Training.

Bronze Accredited Societies
A Capella | AirTV | Anime | Art Club | Baking Society | Biology, Computing, and Business | Book Club | Brig Newspaper | Catholic Soc | Christian Union | Creative Writing | Disabled Students Association Stirling | Disney Society | Doctor Who | Doctoral Research | Dumyat Dragons (Quadball) | Economics | Earth & Environment | Film Appreciation | Geography | Global Justice | HUSSARS (Table-Top Gaming) | Greek & Cypriot | International | KPOP | Language Exchange | Latin Dance | Law | Live Music | Mathematics | Musical Theatre | Nat20 | Photography & Videography | Politics | Psychology | Re-Enactment | Rock & Metal | Scottish Socialist Youth Stirling | STAR | StirPod | Student Managed Investment Fund (SMIF) | Total Liberation | United Nations | Association Stirling | Video Games (GSOC) | Wildlife Conservation | Wild Swimming | Women in Business | Zeta Kappa Rho
At least half the committee have attended GBV First Responder Training and Bystander Intervention Training.

Silver Accredited Societies
Nat20 | True Crime
All committee members have attended both GBV First Responder Training and Bystander Intervention Training.

Gold Accredited Societies