F.E.M. (Feminists for Equity Movement)

Who we are

The University of Stirling F.E.M is a safe space for all like-minded people, those from all backgrounds and walks of life, different genders, sizes, race and ethnicities and more. We are a collective of passionate and proud students committed to dismantling the patriarchal system. 'F.E.M' stands for 'Feminists for Equity Movements', and it serves as a foundation for acknowledging individual circumstances and allocating resources and opportunities to achieve equality. As a community, we want to represent the wider student body and give everyone a space to have a voice. 

Why should you join us? 

The Feminists for Equity Movements notion and society is one that encourages feminists throughout the community to come forth and represent and show support for movements that allow us to have the same voice as anyone and everyone. If you find yourself an ally, in any form, shape and way, you will find that you have a place with us and even if you are just wanting to learn about the community and what we stand for, we welcome you with open arms becasue we strive for equity. Equality gives us the same space, but equity gives us the voice, and you can join us to make your voice heard. We strive for a warm, welcoming environment that supports and holds everyone to the same standard. 

What you can look forward to: 

As a society, we have plans to not only participate and get involved in things like the Women's History Day or International Women's Day but also in charities such as the Palestinian Children's Relief, Girl's Education, Planned Parenthood, etc. On top of our plans to be involved with charities, we'd like to host peer support groups for our students that involve talking to each other, studying sessions and more. We hope to host events that let us learn and talk about finances, sexual health, violence and abuse in collaboration with other societies on campus, with UoS Staff and tutors and also the wider community of Stirling. There are plenty more we have planned and we hope you look forward to it as much as we do and join us in our endeavours too! 

Social Media 

You may find us on Instagram at : uos.femsoc 
And if you'd like to get in touch, send us a DM on our IG or an email at :  thefemsoc.uos@gmail.com. 

Our committee members

Events Coordinator
Adam Ashvin Kuhendran
Aliyah Hossanee
Ruby Higginbottom
Social Media Manager
Katie Nnamdi
Marius Lindfors
Vice President
Megan Taylor
Wellbeing Officer
Hannah McHardy

Get In Touch!

Join us

  • F.E.M. (Feminists for Equity Movement) Non-Student Membership£5.00
  • F.E.M. (Feminists for Equity Movement) Student Membership£5.00