Nat20 (Dungeons & Dragons)

Who we are

Hello! and welcome to Nat 20. The University of Stirling Dungeon and Dragon Society. Have you ever wanted to play D&D but didn't know where to start? Or maybe you're an experienced player looking for a group to play with. Either way, Nat20 welcomes all players!

We strive to be:

  • a safe, creative, and collaborative space
  • inclusive and flexible
  • above all else, fun!
  • also we are a snacks positive space so feell free to bring some. 

Meeting every Thursday, 7 pm. Room: C.2B148

Our committee members

Johanna-Ellie Robertson
Scott More
Megan Addison

Get In Touch!

Join us

  • Nat20 (Dungeons & Dragons) Non-Student Membership£5.00
  • Nat20 (Dungeons & Dragons) Student Membership£5.00