Stirling University Nursing Society

Who we are


We are the Stirling University Nursing Society (SUNS). We are a new society for both Adult and Mental Health nursing students.

The aim for this society is:

  • To bring together the Nursing students of UoS.
  • Support learning and wellbeing of students during their student nurse journey.
  • Organise social and academic events (e.g. guest speakers, additional training/qualifications and nights/afternoons out)


If you do decide to join us, make sure to send us an email so that we can get you set up with our 'welcome pack' and additional information for members!

Please don't hesitate to contact a member of the committee if you have any questions!

Our committee members

Kiera Williams
Co-President 2
Susan McLatchie
Megan Bridges
Kellie Parker

Get In Touch!

Join us

  • Stirling University Nursing Society Non-Student Membership£5.00
  • Stirling University Nursing Society Student Membership£5.00