Stirling University Greens is a political society working within the green network across Scotland. We are passionate individuals who seek to bring green politics to our campus and supporting campaigns for climate justice, equality, and democracy.
Thus, the aims of our society are:
We invite all like-minded individuals to join our society, where we can connect, share, and discuss the issues that impact our planet and daily lives, all in a relaxed, positive, and friendly environment.
If you have an interest in green politics and support our aims, we encourage you to attend our meetings and events. The more members we have, the greater the impact we can make. Feel free to email us or connect with us on Instagram through the links above.
We believe it’s time for an economy that works for both people and the planet, and we’d love for you to join us on that journey. As Greta Thunberg once said, 'You are never too small to make a difference.'
University of Stirling Students' Union | University of Stirling Students' Union, The Robbins Centre, The University of Stirling, FK9 4LA | Registered Charity Number: SC023788