Enlightening, Educating, Empowering. Those are the things we as the African and Caribbean Society focus on. We are a group that aims to be a safe space for Africans and Caribbeans, a space that’s fun and refreshing whilst also being educational and resourceful. We hold various events throughout the year that cater to the needs of our members enabling them to express their various cultures whilst learning about each other’s. We also aim to educate those who aren’t of African or Caribbean descent but who have a genuine interest in learning about our cultures.
Find out more and follow us on social media: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE3_jK6wWA/BvvJstQcxi1r6Cuim79whg/view
African & Caribbean Society Constitution
University of Stirling Students' Union | University of Stirling Students' Union, The Robbins Centre, The University of Stirling, FK9 4LA | Registered Charity Number: SC023788