SU WIN! Updates to Socially Responsible Investment Policy

Thanks to Global Justice Stirling, current and previous Officers, find out more about the changes which have been adopted.

Following a sustained campaign by Global Justice Stirling, supported by the SU, the University has updated their Socially Responsible Investment Policy. This covers aspects including indirect investments, the border industry, student involvement and greater transparency on the University’s investment funds. Details include the following:

Indirect investments: Previously the policy only included not directly investing in unethical companies such as fossil fuels and arms but they still invested in funds which invested in these companies. The updated policy prevents this.

Border industry the updated policy acknowledges the border industry is an area of concern and divestment should be considered - this part needs to be stronger but as the 1st University in Scotland (5th in the UK) to name and shame the border industry in its investment policy, its a start!

Student involvement: The policy insures that students will be part of the implementation and ongoing monitoring of the policy.

Transparency the policy ensures that the University will publish a list of the their investment funds on its website which will be updated at least annually.

Well done to all involved in ensuring this has taken place. For more information, please get in touch with us at