Find out all you need to know about key dates - including the close of nominations! Check it out and consider running for a post.
The Union elections are in full swing so we wanted to share all the key dates you need to know!
- Nominations close: 11th February, noon
- Candidate Briefing: 14th February, noon
- Candidate campaign Launch: 18th February, 10am
- Alternative Hustings 20th February, 6pm
- Hustings: 21st February, noon
- Voting Opens: 25th February, 10am
- Voting Closes: 27th February, 5pm
- Candidates announced: 28th February, 2pm
To find out more about the roles, what's involved and how you can submit a nomination, visit the full Elections pages on the website. You can also recommend a friend if there's someone you think would be a great student representative.
For any questions about the elections, roles and how you can get involved, you can reach out to us at