Sabbatical Officers respond to rent increases

Read a statement from the Union's Sabbatical Officers in response to rent increases from the University.

Sabbatical Officers respond to rent increases in text with picture of University accommodation in th

We are incredibly disappointed to see the recent rent increases. As your Sabbatical Officers, we have been fighting for fair rent from the beginning of our term, and ultimately it is incredibly frustrating and disheartening that our views were seemingly not listened to.  

We spoke to the University at length about the impact higher rent has on students and how it is detrimental to wellbeing, health, attainment, and the University of Stirling experience. We pushed for rent freezes and rent reductions but ultimately feel ignored. 

The Students’ Union is strongly and unequivocally against the rent increases of 8% across the board and will continue to fight against these and any proposed rent increases in the future.  

Our students are continually being priced out of their education, skipping meals, and surviving on less than £50 per month after paying their rent. In many circumstances, students are having to prioritise paid work over lectures just to survive. We do not feel the increase in rent is acceptable, and we urge the University to reconsider their decision.  

As Sabbatical Officers we stand together and alongside you in opposing the rent increases and will continue to raise your voice and make you heard.